Monday, December 27, 2004

Shelly's birthday

Elisheva was 17 on Shabbat Channukah. I had a drawing done of her (based on a photograph) by an American artist named Gail Ross. I then used her illustration to make this birthday card.

But the real fun is that Gail doesn't just draw faces. She creates a whole paper doll booklet, with a custom cover and 15 cut-out outfits, based on your preferences! The booklet comes with a plastic clip that can be used to stand the doll up for display. You can see Gail's site by clicking here; isn't it a cute idea?!

I added the "head" of Shelly's doll to a few of the outfits, removed the tabs, and then put them side by side in the picture below. You can click on the picture to enlarge it.

Nice aren't they! Which outfit do you think suits her best?

Sunday, December 12, 2004

The mysterious reindeer

The picture below was sent to me by a colleague. At first glance it looks like just another generic winter scene from a "Seasons Greetings card" (you know, the kind people send when they're not sure whether to say Happy Hanukah or Merry Christmas).

But take a second look. There are two reindeer in the wood. Look carefully among the trees to find the second one; but be careful not to "miss the wood for the trees"!

Season's Greetings!