Thursday, August 03, 2006

Avney Hachoshen

We were very impressed when nephew Yakov commented in a well-informed way on my display of various candidates for the stones of the high priest's breastplate. I have therefore made the following chart for him - and anyone else interested - showing many (but not all) of the prevailing rabbinical opinions as to the identity of these stones. I add the following proviso:

The exact identities of all the stones on the high-priest's breastplate are not known. Those shown below are only some of the possibilities mentioned in Jewish source materiel (itself based to some extent on speculation).

At first we may tend to think of the breastplate in terms of modern jewellery, set with sparkling "precious stones"; however we must not forget that tastes, availability, and relative prices have changed greatly since biblical times, and that stones we today call "semi-precious" and consider less prestigious, such as Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian and Turquoise, were the stones chosen to be inlaid in the gold icons of Tutankhamen - for example - rather than sapphires, rubies and emeralds.

Click on the picture below to seea legible version.

1) I have arranged the rows from right to left - the "Hebrew" way.
2) I have put Yissachar and Zevulun immediately after their full brothers, rather than in strict chronological order (following Asher). This is also a matter of dispute.
3) I have included Dalmatian Jasper and Moss Agate as a matter of interest, because scientifically they are considered the "same" as red jasper and blue agate respectively; however it is unlikely that they would be considered the same stone for the purposes of the breastplate, where color and appearance determined the choice of stone (as is clear from their Hebrew names).

Monday, July 31, 2006

Crab Fight

Grandpa was very impressed by a perceptive comment that grandson Yakov - visiting here from Detroit - made the other day.

After Yakov told his Grandpa that he saw two crabs on the beach fighting, a red one and a yellow one, Grandpa asked him "And which one was winning?"

Without missing a beat he responded with the following metaphysical truth...

"They were both loosing."